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How to Reclaim Your Unclaimed Assets and Avoid Penalties

Millions of Americans have unclaimed property, from forgotten bank accounts to uncashed checks. This can happen when people change addresses, forget about deposits, or switch financial institutions. As a result, t...

Bucks County Residents: Could Some of the $133 Million in Unclaimed Assets Be Yours?

Imagine finding money you didn’t know you had—like an old paycheck, a forgotten savings account, or even overpaid utility bills. For residents of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, th...

Got a Letter Asking You to Pay Back Unemployment? Read This Now

If you were among the millions of Americans put out of work due to COVID-19 this year, you probably did what many others did: file for unemployment. Of course, for those employed in "regular jobs"...

Lost & Found: 1 in 10 Americans are Still Holding Unclaimed Money

Did you know that 1 in 10 Americans may have unclaimed money waiting for them? It's a startling statistic that highlights the potential for millions of dollars to go unnoticed each year.  Whether it...

Don't Let the State Keep Your Money: Why You Should Check for Unclaimed Funds in Mississippi

Have you ever wondered what happens to money left unclaimed? In Mississippi, forgotten funds like old bank accounts, uncashed checks, and utility deposits eventually get turned...

Places To Find Unclaimed Resources You Didn't Know Existed

Unclaimed resources are assets and money owed to individuals that remain uncollected. It could be an inheritance, insurance policy payouts, or utility refund. All these resources are just waiting for owners to ...

Catastrophic Wildfires Spark Class-Action Lawsuits Against Pacific Corporation

Labor Day catastrophic fires have raged out of control in Oregon. The plaintiffs, Robin Colbert and Jeanyne James, have filed a class-action lawsuit in the Multnomah County Circuit Court. The...

Reconnecting Citizens with Lost Fortunes: Unclaimed Property Clinic Aims to Empower Pennsylvanians

  Pennsylvania lawmakers, in partnership with the state treasury, are stepping up their efforts to help citizens recover their forgotten fortunes through an unclaimed prop...

Unclaimed Fund Searches on Steep Rise after Newsweek Piece

A lot of people out there have heard about unclaimed funds. Though most people have not. In a nutshell, there are times where people are owed money by the government or large corporations. For instance, sometime...