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Don't Leave Money on the Table - Check for Unclaimed Funds in Colorado Today

Have you ever wondered if there is money out there that belongs to you, but you just don't know about it? You're not alone - there are millions of dollars in unclaimed funds and property...

Unclaimed Funds: Find Out the Crucial Access Tips

Unclaimed funds are money or other assets that have been abandoned or unclaimed by the rightful owner. In most cases, these funds remain with the state in a custodial account until the rightful owner can be located and the...

Missouri Claims 10% of Population has Unclaimed Money Waiting

With the economy in shambles and the holiday season in full swing, there are millions of Americans trying whatever they can to get their hands on a few extra dollars. Things cost more now than they ever have ...

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds According to news from Salem, Oregon, last Tuesday, the Treasury department is set to return around $10 million in unclaimed funds to Oregon residents in t...

Fans Sue Major League Baseball for a Refund on Tickets

Most Americans view baseball season starting in any format as the sign that the country is starting to get back to normal after the COVID-19 crisis. However, even the most optimistic forecasts do not have baseball tea...

Business Interruption Insurance Denial Prompts Wave of Lawsuits

Many people who purchase some kind of warranty or insurance are often surprised when they find out that it is not there for them when they need it. Some insurance providers will try to find a way out of pay...

Cruise Operators Have Made it Difficult to Sue

Cruise operators are facing a number of lawsuits due to their actions surrounding COVID-19. From passengers who were sickened on ships to those who had cruises cancelled without a refund, the cruise industry has been besieged...

Students File Lawsuit against Emory University Seeking a Refund

Parents and others who have made education tuition payments have been outraged by the fact that they have received no refunds in spite of the fact that in-person classes have been canceled and education shift...

Business and Residents Sue Seattle for the CHOP Zone

The protests in Seattle in the wake of the death of George Floyd have drawn nationwide attention. Protestors in the city have seized control of a several-block area in the city as police have left the area and ceded con...